Outgoing SONYO Chairman Exposes Forged Letter of Contender for Organization Chairmansgip


sonyo-logoRef. No: SONYO/XG/59/NC6/15 Date: January 6th, 2015

To: SONYO Umbrella implementing partners, Youth Stakeholders, UN Agencies and International Community

Cc: Ministry of Youth, Sports and Tourism

Cc: Ministry of Planning and National Development

Cc: Attorney General of Somaliland Republic

Cc: Incumbent but outgoing National Council of SONYO Umbrella

Cc: SONYO Umbrella National Council Elect

Cc: Executive Director of SONYO Umbrella

Subject: A Statement against a forged and falsified Letter from Abdiaziz Hirsi Warsame

According to SONYO Umbrella constitution, article 8.5.1, every two years SONYO Umbrella should have a General Assembly. Acting on this, SONYO Umbrella held its 7th General Assembly on December 27th – 30th, 2014 at its headquarter in Hargeisa. The General Assembly was led and held in accordance with the Constitution and the Bylaws of SONYO Umbrella. In this regards, SONYO Umbrella managed democratically to have its new legitimate leadership which consists of 19 young members representing all regions as well as SONYO member organizations.

Therefore, I, the incumbent Chairperson of SONYO Umbrella, hereby announce that the unprofessional, unfair and intentionally-misinforming Letter written and circulated by Abdiaziz Hirsi Warsame, a member of the 7th National Council elect and a candidate with an unsuccessful bid for the chairmanship of SONYO Umbrella is not totally authentic but forged and falsified document—which unfortunately bears the stamp and logo of SONYO Umbrella without authorization. This unfortunately shows the deceptive as well as the immoral behavior of the few individuals attempting to undermine the hard-earned organizational credit.

Hence, I do officially confirm that Abdiaziz Hersi Warsame has violated the undeniable rights of SONYO Umbrella and in this regards we will resort to the Somaliland Justice system , SONYO disciplinary internal procedures and those of his employer, whereby we (SONYO Outgoing) National Council/Board will take appropriate measures.

We apologize and urge all implementing partners of SONYO Umbrella, Youth Stakeholders, UN agencies and other partners that they remain alert of this unauthentic and forged letter and other similar circulations by this individual.

Finally, we would like to inform you that preparations of leadership handover is underway and will be done soon in the presence of all partners, concerned Somaliland government agencies and member organizations of SONYO. It is during this transitional period that these individuals like Abdiaziz are trying to capitalize on so that the organization’s smooth transition is disturbed. Your cooperation and support is highly desired as we move on to the 7th tenure of our organizational Board of Directors.


Mubarak Ismail Taani,

Chairperson of SONYO Umbrella,

Hargeisa, Somaliland


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