Buubaa’s opposition blunder Bares Waddani’s Anti-Somaliland Unity Goal


The Honorable Ibrahim Mahdi Buubaa of the Somaliland Representatives Chamber, and the leader of the Parliament’s Standing Committee and the official spokesman of Waddani opposition party, made the worst political blunder today by plagiarizing and publishing words an anti-Somaliland Facebook group splashed all over the page on 16 January in at least two forms as his own and that of Waddani Party.Dhabka11

The Honorable member of Parliament, in an attempt to criticize the tour the President of Somaliland was making on West and East regions, and particularly on places he stopped at and others he spent the night in, laced the tour with a tribal daub of paint. Mr. Buubaa, showing his true anti-Somaliland unity colors clearly, re-echoed the hooligans group’s posting on facebook in which they used a photo of the President riding in his car on top of which they wrote “I will not spend the night in a non-Isaaq place’ – words that were designed to rip Somaliland unity asunder.

Mr. Buubaa, Hargeisa resident’s who watched him on TV last evening and others reading his words on Hargeisa websites and papers, wrote him off as somebody working for elements foreign to Somalilander hopes and aspirations as a sovereign entity respected as such by the international community.

The MPsAlasow Wabar words, instead, support subversive elements most of whom are not even born Somalilanders such as Alasow of waagacusub who has succeeded to make fringe Somaliland elements his mouthpiece through the use of blackmail, coercion and bribery. Buubaa and Alasow’s words on facebook screen-print below completely agree with one another.
The Hon. Buubaa, by so tripping on his own words, appeared to have laid bare a suspicion that Somalilanders harbored of Waddani Party whose leaders they suspect of a Somali pro-unity agenda, unlike UCID who are seen as ardent, unadulterated Somalilanders.

Ibrahim is the nephew of Pro-Somalia unionist and Somaliland foe-at-large, Ismail Buubaa, who held several prominent positions in successive Mogadishu ‘administrations’.

By: Suleiman Abdurahim


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