President Siilaanyo prepares for Elections in latest Reshuffle


Image result for golaha wasiirada xukuumada siilaanyo
The President of the Republic of Somaliland released a reshuffle he made to the cabinet of Ministers, top army, custodial corps and coast guard positions, nominating a number of Advisors to the Presidency on the same move.

The president’s move as seen as a last-minute preparation for the upcoming presidential and Parliamentary elections slated for later this year.

The only position, so far, that the public did not fully endorse in the reshuffle that the president’s office released was that of Zamzam Abdi Adan transferred to Finance Minister to  replace the incumbent Minister, Abdi Aziz Samaale, who is widely hailed as one of the most able ministers in the cabinet – a man who raised the national budget from $47 million to more than $250 million within three years.

In all, the move is seen as a necessary step to, among others, meet the grievances of some Somaliland’s ethnic groups as it is aimed to revitalize national responsibilities ahead of the upcoming elections.

The list is as follows:

  1. Minister Abdi Aw Dahir transferred to Labor and Social Affairs
  2. Minister Ali Saeed Raygalr transferred to Resettlement
  3. Minister Ahmed Abdi Kahin transferred to Youth and Sports
  4. Minister Abdiaziz M Samaaletransferred to Education
  5. Minister Zamzam A Adan transferred to Finance
  6. Vice Minister Abdi Dahir Amoud transferred to VM for Security, Interior
  7. Vice Minister Ahmed Farah Adarre to Vice Minister for Regional governance
  8. Vice Minister Osman Garad Soofe goes to Posts & Telecommunications
  9. Vice Minister Hassan Dahir Dhimbil goes to Health
  10. Vice Minister Ahmed Mohamed Nour goes to Environment & Pastoral Development
  11. Vice Minister Nour Osman Guled goes to Endowment & Religious Affairs
  12. Vice Minister Abdikarim Ahmed Mogheh goes to National Planning
  13. Vice Minister Ali Ahmed Mohamed goes to Industry
  14. Vice Minister Ali Mohamed Elmi goes to Animal Husbandry
  15. Vice Minister Abdiwahid A Abddulkadir goes to Labor & Social Affairs
  16. Vice Minister Shukri Harir Ismail goes to Information & Culture
  17. Vice Minister Yussuf Osman Garas goes to Youth & Sports
  18. Vice Minister Abdirashid Hussein Abdulle goes to Justice
  19. Vice Minister Nimo Hussein Qawdhan goes to Resettlement
  20. Vice Minister Saeed Abdi Mohamoud Jama goes to Aviation
  21. Vice Minister Jama Abdullahi Bein goes to Defense
  22. Vice Minister Mohamed Haji Adan Elmi goes to Fisheries & Marine Resources
  23. Vice Minister Ahmed Nour Aw Abdi goes to Finance
  24. Vice Minister Rashid Ismail Kahin goes to Education
  25. Vice Minister Omar Sheikh Mohamed Farah goes to Animal Husbandry

Armed Forces Command Posts:

  1. General Mohamed Hussein Farah, formerly of the Custodila Corps, assumes command of the Somaliland Coast Guard
  2. General Mohamed Osman Hudhun assumed Command of the Custodial Corps
  3. General Abdi Hersi Duale becomes Chief of Operations of the National Army

Advisors to the President

  1. Abdo Ahmed Ayyir Advisor for Foreign Affairs
  2. Mohamed Ibrahim Qabo Advisor for Elections & Political Parties

Director Generals

  1. DG Mawlid Weris Abdullahi goes to Industry
  2. DG Mohamed Farah Hersi goes to Labour & Social Affairs
  3. DG Abdi Ahmed Nour goes to Fisheries & Marine Resources
  4. DG Hassan Adan Geeddi goes to Labor Commission
  5. DG Mohamed Elmi Hussein goes to Environment

Autonomous Institutions

  1. Mr. Mohamed Mihille Boqorre assumes leadership of the National Labor Commission
  2. Mr. Saeed Hassan Abdullahi appointed to the Chairmanship of FCA (Food Coordination)


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