Court bans wearing of hijab in Isiolo school


A church sponsored school in Isiolo has lost its bid for its Muslim female students to wear Hijab and white trousers while attending classes.

High Court judge Harun Makau ruled that the Teachers Service Commission’s decision and the Isiolo County education office allowing female students of St Paul Kiwanjani Secondary School to wear hijab while attending classes is illegal and discriminatory.

Mr Justice Makau faulted the decision as being contrary to school regulations and issued an order stopping TSC, Isiolo County Education director as well as the Sub County’s education officer from allowing students to wear hijab and interfering with the running of that school.

The trustees of the Methodist Church, which sponsors the Mixed Day Secondary School, had sued TSC, Isiolo County Education director and the sub-County’s education officer.

According to the church, the county’s education office that allowed female students to wear hijab and white trousers had created disparity among students.

He further ordered TSC, Isiolo County Education director as well as the sub-County’s education officer not to effect the Hijab wearing rule.


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