Ethiopia: Countdown to power

The fifth national and regional council election is gathering momentum. The time to the decisive voting day is ticking fast. But the feeling about it varies between political parties.

The fifth national and regional council election is gathering momentum. The time to the decisive voting day is ticking fast. But the feeling about it varies between political parties.

Whereas some see the calendar as too tight to give enough time for preparations, others consider it manageable. The calendar has up until now seen party, voter and candidate registrations completed, albeit with serious controversies surrounding each of them.

Now, it is time for campaigning. During this period, political parties and independent candidates will be going out to the public to sell the political, economic and social agendas they represent. By any measure, this is a definitive time in the election process as the battle would be for the attention, minds and hence votes of the electorate.

It would be a time that the voting public would be exposed to various agendas, political justifications, policy presumptions and insights on issues that matter to it.

This, in a way, would give the electorate a chance to see which of the political parties does have the most appealing policies and plans to address the problems it is concerned about. But it will not be the end, as the calendar goes well through to June 22, 2015, wherein the final results of the election will be announced by the Electoral Board



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