Somalia to blame for collapse of Somaliland-Somalia Talks – FM Behi



Somaliland Minister of Foreign Affairs and International cooperation Hon Mohamed Bihi Yunis during his diplomatic tour to neighboring countries had a series of meetings with diplomats representing regional countries and international community blamed the federal government of Somalia for stalled talks and at the same time urging them to revive the stalled talks between the two countries.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and International cooperation briefing the media on the outcomes of  his one and half week stay in Kenya met with the nearly a half a dozen envoys to brief them of the ramifications which led to the stalling of the Istanbul talks which indefinitely postponed after the delegation representing Somaliland, led by H.E. Mohamed B. Yonis, Minister of Foreign Affairs last month suspended the Istanbul meeting until the egregious conduct by Somalia was rectified.

“I informed our friends and partners based in Nairobi, Kenya that we decided to suspend further talks with Somalia until the existing challenges are properly addressed and Somalia demonstrates in its language and behavior that it wishes to take the talks seriously and act in a responsible way in order to achieve an amicable and just resolution in the future relations between Somalia and Somaliland, “he said.

Hon Bihi yunis added, “As you’re well aware of a high-level delegation representing the Government of the Republic of Somaliland traveled to Istanbul, Turkey to participate in the next round of talks with the Federal Government of Somalia, as envisaged by the communiqué signed in Djibouti in December 2014 by the Presidents of Somaliland and Somalia. In the lead up to the Istanbul meeting, Somaliland wrote letters of protest to Somalia and Turkey for unilateral actions taken by Somalia which sought to undermine the Dialogue.

“This included Somalia’s inclusion of officials of Somaliland nationality in its delegation. Both parties had agreed at the outset of the Dialogue process not to include representatives in their respective delegations who originated from the other nation,” he said.

Moreover, both Somaliland and Somalia agreed during the first Dialogue meeting facilitated by Turkey, which was held in Ankara in April 2013 to “refrain from using inflammatory language and any other act which my put the continuation of the Dialogue at risk.” However, Somalia’s actions on a number of occasions have sought to undermine and jeopardize the continuation of the talks.

Hon Bihi went on to say, “The government of Somaliland is committed to the talk’s process, which we hope will resolve future relations with the country of Somalia. Somaliland would really appreciate if our regional and international partners would assume a crucial role in promoting and supporting any future talks between the two countries.

The SL foreign Minister concluded stating uring my meeting with our Ethiopian brothers in Addis Abba, i clearly stated that our position is clear on matters pertaining the talks which is to find ways to foster close collaboration on issues of mutual interest with our neighbor as two distinct and different nations ‘which I believe is in our best interest, and does not diminish or damage our self-determination or sovereignty in anyway whatsoever.

(Source: Somalilandpress)


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