Somaliland opposition leaders conspicuously absent themselves from a nationally important day as they did in Sheffield, where Cardiff was saved by UCID’s Jamal with WADDANi leaders again absent

The President of the ROS, H.E. Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud ‘Siilaanyo’ took the lead Tuesday in a one-day nationwide cleaning and garbage collection campaign.
The President took the spade and loaded garbage on wheelbarrows himself with his own hands in a number of locations in and around Hargeisa including Ahmed Dhagah, Mohamoud Haibeh and Ibrahim Koodbuur districts.
Likewise, the First Lady, Amina Mohamoud Jirde went to the streets collecting garbage and sweeping the ground shoulder-to-shoulder with other participants.
Government Ministries, business companies, schools and residents of all the major cities in Somaliland played a major role in making the day a truly national one that set a welcome precedent for similar initiatives to follow.
Conspicuously, opposition parties’ members were absent from all locations mistakenly turning their backs on their nation, health and hygiene to say nothing of, also, setting a precedent for disobeying national leaders that they themselves wish to become one day.
On a similar vein, major private schools and the universities did not heed the Presidents’ call for reasons that are being investigated by the Ministry of interior and the national special agencies.