The government is to continue through newly instituted inspection of vehicles imported into the country.
This was revealed by the minister of Public works and Transport Abdirizaq Khalif Ahmed during a press briefing at his Hargiesa offices where he also lambasted the Somaliland House of Representative members for un-procedural conduct.
The works and Transport minister made the comments n reaction to the rejection of a bill submitted to the house proposing legalization of an extra $80 tariff on imported cars and introduction of motor vehicle inspection at the port of Berbera.
“While we accept decision reached by members of the august house, the Bill’s rejection was done without distribution then perusal prior to debate as is the norm” said Minister Abdirizaq.
Adding that the $80 was not an extra tariff imposed on imported cars by his ministry, Abdirizaq Khalif informed that the amount was actually a service charge levied in order to cater for the now mandatory inspection at the port of entry.
Said he “Since my ministry is mandated with ensuring that citizens are no longer forced to purchase and use un-road worthy vehicles the as is the policy of government, the testing fee shall b covered by central coffers”
Minister A KhaliifVisibly aghast by the ease in which legislators discarded the new measures put in place by the government to protect citizens from exposure to purchase of relics purported to be new the Transport minister said the move was guided by article 47 of the Somaliland road transport Act which was unanimously approved by the same legislators almost a year ago.
Though we respect the decision reached by Legislators their haste to derail a government agenda shall not deter the ministry from protecting Somalilanders thence imported motor Vehicle Inspection shall proceed as planned with services funded from the central coffers.
Despite initial opposition to the move by the ministry of transport fronted by Car dealers in the country who were in vehement opposition to the purported extra $80 tariff now termed service charge even to the extent of threatening use of Berbera port, coupled with the gusto of legislators upon rejecting the bill, it remains to be seen how the worthiness testing shall be opposed if ever considering the wide support from all quarters in the country.
(Source: Somalilandsun)