An epic 2,736km trek across the Australian Outback


Robyn Davidson; Australian Outback; camels; Indian Ocean (Credit: Credit: Rick Smolan/National Geographic)

The world presents would-be travellers with all kinds of great journeys: a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in Jerusalem; the trek Moroccan explorer Ibn Battuta undertook across North Africa; a drive back in time along the United States’ old Route 66.

In 1977, Robyn Davidson embarked on a particularly distinctive an intimate journey: crossing the Australian Outback. With only four camels and her dog, Davidson travelled from Alice Springs in central Australia, through the Gibson Desert westward to the coast of the Indian Ocean.

Robyn Davidson; Australian Outback; camels; trek (Credit: Credit: Rick Smolan/National Geographic)

Robyn with Bub. (Credit: Rick Smolan/National Geographic)

The journey took nine months to complete. She documented the legendary trip in her book, Tracks, and photographer Rick Smolan recently compiled the trip’s stunning imagery in his new book, Inside Tracks.

Above is an interview with Smolan, who looks back on this astounding and challenging journey.

Robyn Davidson; Australian Outback; trek; aboriginals (Credit: Credit: Rick Smolan/National Geographic)

A different dialect. (Credit: Rick Smolan/National Geographic)

Robyn Davidson; Australian Outback; trek; journey; camels (Credit: Credit: Rick Smolan/National Geographic)

Tantalizing sunsets over the Outback. (Credit: Rick Smolan/National Geographic)

Robyn Davidson; Australian Outback; trek; journey; camels (Credit: Credit: Rick Smolan/National Geographic)

Finding magic in strange and unexpected ways. (Credit: Rick Smolan/National Geographic)

Robyn Davidson; Australian Outback; trek; journey; camels (Credit: Credit: Rick Smolan/National Geographic)

Mesmerized by the Indian Ocean. (Credit: Rick Smolan/National Geographic)

Robyn Davidson; Australian outback; journey; trek; camels (Credit: Credit: Rick Smolan/National Geographic)

Braving the Australian deserts. (Credit: Rick Smolan/National Geographic)

Robyn Davidson; Australian Outback; trek; camels (Credit: Credit: Rick Smolan/National Geographic)

Alone in the wild. (Credit: Rick Smolan/National Geographic)

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