Somalia Government warns of depressing situation of refugees from Yemen


Somalia Minister says future for refugees is gloomy ‘without international support’Sahra Mohamed Ali Samantar

Press release:

Sahra Mohamed Ali Samantar, the Minister of Women & Human Rights Development of Somalia warns the depressing situation of the refugees fleeing from Yemen.

Minister Samantar said “The Federal Government of Somalia is doing all it can to help those refugees coming to Somalia from Yemen as a result of the crisis in Yemen. The Federal Government established National Committee on the crisis and so far they have done a great job by mobilizing communities and raising funds. However, the influxes of continual refugees seeking for help are greater than what the Federal Government of Somalia can deal with. Even though we are thankful for the initial assistance from IOM and other UN Agencies, however, the situation still demands greater attention of the world.”

Minister Samantar noted that if the deteriorating situation is not addressed as quickly as possible; the world will witness one of the most serious humankind disasters. However, the Federal Government of Somalia takes responsibility on the situation, and will do all it takes to welcome refugees from Yemen, but we have to be honest with ourselves that we cannot cope all the demands and rights of these refugees.

The Federal Government of Somalia is sending more ships to transport 4600 refugees from Yemen with in the next few days. We are already dealing with the Internally Displaced People in Somalia as well as those in below poverty lines, and the increase of refugees coming from Yemen puts us more pressure and we urgently need the world to prioritize the situation and to provide immediate assistance, so that these refugees fleeing from the crisis in Yemen will be given a shelter, food and all the other basic needs.

Minister Samantar commented “ As a Minister responsible for women and human rights development, I must say that we as citizens of the world have failed to provide sufficient support and assistance to the refugees fleeing from Yemen. It is the responsibility of all human kind, world leaders, governments, and humanitarian agencies to ensure that we protect these refugees who most of them have being refugees more than twice. They deserve our full and uncompromised attention to support them. Imagine if your family, your wife, your children, your grandchildren, are one of those families fleeing from Yemen, I am sure you would have done all you can to support. As a mother, a minister, a human rights activist, as a citizen of the world, I see no difference between our own families and those fleeing from Yemen and other crisis around the globe. On a daily basis, I cry and pray for all refugees around the world, because, I know that if the world gives enough attention on refugees and Internally Displaced People, the world would have been a safer place to live in. If we all act together, I believe that every child and every mother would have received all their basic rights including clean water, shelter, food, schooling for children and a livelihood that is acceptable to all.”

Refugees fleeing from Yemen are facing an even gloomier future without more international support. Finally, the Minister concluded her remarks and said; “I would like to reiterate that much more is needed to be done to alleviate the suffering of refugees fleeing from their homes due to the crisis in Yemen. The situation and the crisis demands our collective and global outcry of support and I hope that this appeal will make a huge difference to the lives of all refugees around the globe, and in particular those fleeing from the current crisis in Yemen.”

Source: Ministry of Women & Human Rights Development


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