When did Somaliland relegate itself to regional state level?

2nd from right: Somaliland Attorney General

According to the below-copied press release from the EUCAP Nestor ‘Somalia’ office, Somaliland is no longer a de facto republic but a federal state – same as Galgudud and Puntland, and a blatant, unpublished abdication of its independence and sovereignty

The Prosecutor General of the Republic of Somaliland, embodying the office spirit, legality and regalia of a ‘sovereign’ state as declared in Burao in 1991, participated in a seminar which EUCAP Nestor organized for Prosecutors from the ‘Somalia’ regions of Puntland, Galgadud, Mogadishu and Somaliland in Djibouti. The event was co-hosted by the Djibouti Ministry of Justice.20121204121014

Alas, the ROS Attorney General, Hassan Ahmed Adan,  sat on the same row with the ‘attorney generals of Puntland and Galgudud, and the Deputy Attorney General of the Mogadishu-seated Somalia Federal government – which believes it stills heads all of pre-1991 Somalia regions including those within the international boundaries of the Republic of Somaliland.

Not only did the participation of the Attorney General drag Somaliland in the mud, but the content of the ‘seminar’  compounded insult with insult by exposing the Attorney General to practicing law as a fresh year law student would.

The Somaliland Attorney General like any novice participated in the event ‘in order to gain “hands on” experience as a ‘Mock’ Piracy Trial … staged as part of the program’.

The highest office in the Somaliland prosecution system was walked through ‘ a mock arrest performed at sea, facilitated by EU Naval Force followed by a staged trial on land’.shirka jabuuti

It is not clear why the government of Somaliland gave permission to the Attorney General and to EUCAP Nestor to so despicably reduce the status of Somaliland to so lowly a level as that which places it on the same table  with Galgugud and Puntland.

Jamhuuriya – the oldest daily in Somaliland, too, covered the anomaly extensively today.

EUCAP Nestor


16 June 2015

Fourth Regional Meeting of Prosecutors organized by EUCAP Nestor

From June 15thto 15th, EUCAP Nestor organized the Fourth Regional Conference for Prosecutors dealing

with Piracy and other Maritime Crime. The event was held in Djibouti and was co-hosted by the

Djiboutian Ministry of Justice.

Prosecutors from Somalia – Mogadishu, Puntland, Galmudug, Somaliland – participated in the event in

order to gain “hands on” experience as a ‘Mock’ Piracy Trial was staged as part of the program.

Prosecutors from the Seychelles, Djibouti, as well as Mauritius also attended the event.

Among the participants were the Attorney General of Somaliland, the First Deputy Attorney General of

Somalia from Mogadishu, Professor Wambua from the University of Nairobi and His Honor Judge Dodin

from the Seychelles.

Main topics of the conference were a mock arrest performed at sea, facilitated by EU Naval Force

followed by a staged trial on land.

Discussions on the challenges of prosecuting piracy in domestic courts animated the two day gathering.

The purpose of organizing a simulated trial was to enable the participants to share their experience and

learning in a practical setting. Many of the participants had never prosecuted a piracy case, therefore

the exercise allowed them to experience first-hand some of the issues that would arise in reality. A

prosecutor from the Crown Prosecution Service in the UK, who previously has prosecuted piracy cases in

the Seychelles, shared his experiences with the participants.

The three previous Prosecutors conferences organised by EUCAP Nestor in Djibouti, Nairobi and Dar es

Salaam, focused on increasing the knowledge of prosecutors as to best regional practice in dealing with

maritime crimes and in building a network of prosecutors to share experience and information. Utilising

this mechanism, prosecutors have been given the opportunity to consult with colleagues who have

more experience, although in different countries.

Within the spirit of comprehensive approach, the mock arrests leading to the mock-trial were

performed at sea in collaboration with German warship, FGS BAYERN, which is currently deployed with

the EU Naval Force deterring piracy off the coast of Somalia.

EUCAP Nestor – Somalia Office

Press and Public Information Department

CBA Centre, Mara and Ragati Road, Upper Hill, Nairobi

P.O. Box 30475, 00100 Nairobi, Kenya

Phone: +254 727 106 645










EUCAP Nestor is a civilian EU mission, under the auspices of the Common Security and Defence Policy,

which assists host countries in the Horn of Africa and Western Indian Ocean region in strengthening

their capacity to ensure maritime security and in particular to fight piracy.


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