These are from WikiLeaks Pages as posted by SlyCivilian – of Riinji and Roodhi. Some of the leaks have already been proven farfetched as the headline above reveals. True or false, the documents are a very interesting READ..
First, the political situation in Somalia
1. Somalia has recently witnessed a tremendous amount of political change, change that points to a lot of success at the political level. So much so, that the Somali people’s confidence in the government is beginning to return. A number of different communities have met regarding their difference and the agreements that have come out of such meetings/conferences constitute a road-map to peace. The Somali people welcome regional and international organizations who are interested in the Somali issue.
2. Transitional Federal Government and the governments of Somaliland (lit translated as Land of Somalis) and the regional Puntland government along with a number of militias belonging to the Somali government have signed an agreement. This is dated 18/02/2012. The agreement is 1) to form a new parliament made up of two houses and 2) prepare a new constitution that allows for a federal system.
Saudi delegate says “ignore your government, take our orders” to Somali delegate
Your cable number 52995/1/5/6 dated 20/2/1434H (2/01/2013) regarding Somalia’s position on the vote on the humanitarian situation in Syria, and the reason for the change in their vote from being in favour of the motion to abstaining from voting. His Excellency the delegate wishes to point out that he noticed this change (of voting) and that he approached the Somali delegate to ask him about it. The delegate (Somali) stated that during the time of the vote, the government was being formed in Somalia (cabinet being chosen). He stated that he asked for the capital’s permission to vote for the resolution, namely the foreign minister, but that he didn’t hear back from them until the vote was over. As such, he was forced to abstain for fear of his decision being contrary to what the new government wanted.
His Excellency the delegate made it very clear to the Somali delegate that this excuse was not satisfactory and that priority should have been given to voting in favour of the motion as he had done in the third committee, and during last year’s vote. He also made it clear to him that this decision was supported by the Arab league (voted in 2011). The Somali delegate apologized and he promised to vote in line with what the Saudi delegate wanted going forward.
As such, the delegation recommends supporting Somalia, so that in the future, we have the necessary “arguments” to ensure Somalia adherence to positions that fit in with the Saudi position.
The delegation in New York
“Somalia will be divided between Kenya and Ethiopia.
his cable isn’t dated but it originated from the Saudi embassy in Djibouti as the letter head clearly states. I imagine it is part of a bigger document/letter, so if you come across it, send it my way. The authenticity of these cables have been confirmed by a number of journalists.
Here, I provide a translation of a single page. I have also provided the Arabic original. I have only translated the really juicy bits (as I don’t have all the time in the world). Shout out to @AbdihakimAinte for bringing my attention to this.

And he didn’t hide his annoyance regarding what was going on between the Prime Minister Abdi-Weli Muhammed and the regional President Abdul-Rahman Muhammed Faroole and Ambassador Augustine Mahiga, the UN’s man in Somalia. And he described him as being the merchant of the Somali conflict, who was aiming to institute power-sharing in the incoming government by dissolving the current parliament and calling for a re-election of 225 members who would be chosen (so as) to ensure that the AbdiWeli is elected President and Faroole as a Prime Minister.
Regarding external meddling/s: that it is complicated matter and that Somalia has become a fertile ground for the interest of a lot of countries. At the current moment in time, there are a number of countries in Somalia, some of whom have noticeable pull. Their roles are as such:
The Kenyan role: They’ve been active in the country for a long time, they’ve trained a group of young men from the areas surrounding Kismayo in Kenya. They saw this as a means of winning themselves allies in the region. In recent months, it has entered Somalia and advanced 100 miles into Somali lands with the excuse that it is helping Somalia Federal Government fight terrorism. It is rumoured that Italy stands with Kenya on this. There are plans to divide Somalia into four regions: two belonging to Kenya and two to Ethiopia [could also be read as under the influence of].
Waa document fadeexad ku ah Somaliland
No, it is not. It is to WikiLeaks because the allegations are not only baseless but tasteless, too. Somaliland is here for all Somalilanders within its boundaries. It has no interest in going back to a union it has so emphatically renounced.
i hate saudis with all my heart they brought wahabism extremist ideology to somalia i hope saudi arabia gets wiped out of the planet