Sections of the Somalia federal army today deserted their barracks in protest over poor equipments and lack of salary.
The unit today left key towns of Lanta-Burre, Muure and a town between Afgoye and Marko in the Lower Shabelle region.

The unit that was led by Gen. Ahmed Adan said the officers have not received their salaries and that armouries were running on empty due to insufficient supply of ammunitions and other military wares.
“Al Shabab has scaled up their attacks across the country and have been attempting our bases while we don’t have enough equipments to face them off,’’ admitted the general.
The militant group Al Shabab has vowed to carry out a string of attack over the holy months of Ramadhan. The group this week alone attacked an UAE convoy and an Amisom base in the lower Shabelle where the killed more than 50 Amisom force after 15 suicide bombers set off their explosives to gain entry into the base.