Landlords will be allowed to evict illegal immigrants without a court order under new laws announced by the Government.
Those who fail to remove illegal immigrants or who do not carry out checks on their status before renting out properties could face up to five years in prison.
A new blacklist of rogue landlords and letting agents – which will allow councils to keep track of those who have been convicted of offences – will also be introduced.
Communities Secretary Greg Clark said the Government was determined to “crack down on rogue landlords who make money out of illegal immigration”.
The proposals, announced as the migrant crisis in Calais continued to escalate, will be included in the upcoming Immigration Bill.

Ministers hope the new measures will make it more difficult for migrants to live in the UK once their visas have expired or applications for asylum have been rejected.
The Government also plans on stripping away benefits for failed asylum seekers to show the streets of Britain “are not paved with gold”, ITV News’ Emily Morgan reported.
Thousands of migrants have attempted to breach security at the Channel Tunnel in a bid to reach the UK in recent weeks, causing chaotic scenes in Calais and disruption for lorry drivers and holidaymakers.
David Cameron vowed to “take action right across the board” to deal with the crisis, but was criticised for describing migrants trying to get to Britain as a “swarm”.
The key measures, which will apply in England, will include:
- The Home Office will issue a notice confirming tenants no longer have the right to rent property -triggering a power for landlords to end the tenancy, without a court order in some circumstances
- A new criminal offence of repeatedly failing to conduct checks or remove tenants with no right to reside in the UK will carry maximum penalties of five years’ imprisonment or a fine
- A requirement for landlords to to carry out “right to rent” checks on tenants’ immigration status before offering a property
- A blacklist of rogue landlords and letting agents
- Measures to crack down on landlords who exploit vulnerable migrants by renting out unfit flats and houses
Mr Clark said: