Somaliland: Ministry synchronizes public and private schools academic year schedules


The Ministry of Higher Education has issued a new order which cautions private schools not to open before September 1.

The order which is now in place has seen the closure of schools some of which tried to buck the order.A press conference, Saturday,   the Vice Minister, Abdirashid I Kahin,  of education read out the circular issued from the education ministry office to the press saying that the official date of opening both private and public schools will be on September the 1, 2015, and that both private and public schools will, henceforth, observe the same scholastic year schedules, opening and closing on pre-set, nationally synchronized dates.

Hon. Abdirashid Ismail Kahin, Assistant Education Minister has told the media that the new scholastic year will officially kick off on September and has warned that private schools must abide by the circular.vlcsnap-2015-08-09-08h00m04s832Private schools which have been opened in August were ordered to immediately close them due to the directive in place.

The regional adminstrative and ministry officials  ordered thedetention of headmasters of three private schools in Burao, Togdheer region, on Saturday. The schools involved undertook to follow ministry directives, and that the cause of their  brief detention will not be repeated.vlcsnap-2015-08-09-07h59m54s746

The Ministry Circular basically covers six points:

  1. Scholastic year for both priuvate and public schools begins September 1

  2. First term exams be from 25 December to 7 January and the term leave from 8 January to 30 January each year

  3. Second term exams begin on June 1. .

  4. Graduation or school leaving exams would be set for 15 June to  30 June, and that for July and August all schools will be on leave

  5. No schools will open on August

  6. The circular directives will come into effect from the day published.


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