Cosmetic chain Lush accused of ‘insulting’ Londoners


The high street shop Lush, has been accused of ‘insulting’ residents in London after releasing a new fragrance called Lavender Hill Mob ‘inspired by’ the 2011 London riots.

NewsThe cosmetic chain Lush, has been accused of ‘insulting’ residents in London, after releasing a controversial new fragrance called Lavender Hill Mob.

The incense depicts a shop in flames on it packaging, with its title appearing to be spray painted on to it.

It claims to be ‘inspired by’ the disorder in 2011. However many residents in London have failed to share the sentiment. London resident James H tweeted:

The community group Love Battersea wrote: ‘Dear Lush – if you’d seen the fire & destruction on Lavender Hill you’d be ashamed’.

Wandsworth councillor Simon Hogg said:

Battersea MP Jane Ellison pointed out that it “has taken some businesses the four years since then to recover”.

The retailer’s website depicted a car in flames with the slogan, “burn incense not cars”. It claims to have created the scent after residents who lived in riot affected areas “joined hands…to keep violence from their streets.”

It says that they aimed to “create a calming incense to still the mind and remind us of the importance of community.”

A spokesperson for Lush said: “We have never stopped talking about the riots within Lush. It was a shock to the system to see such violent rage erupt on the streets of England – and it behoves all of us to keep discussing the issues that lead to this type of event, if we wish to prevent a repeat in the future.

“We hope that we don’t offend too often in our well meaning but all too human musings on what it is to live in our life and times, in a fractured and imperfect world at a time of great threats and great change.”

The company also pointed out that it has donated £3m to support grass root causes last year.



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