Somaliland: President Signs National Disability Act


The state has at last established the national handicap policy.By Goth Mohamed Goth20140519-By Goth Mohamed Goth20140519-DSCN7057This was revealed by the Presidential spokesman Mr. Ahmed Suleiman Duhul who said that the cabinet have just endorsed the policy following lengthy consultations.

“This is the first time in the history of the nation for such a policy to be formulated and put in place”, said Mr. Duhul.

On the other hand the spokesman appealed to the members of the public to foster unity and solidarity.

He scoffed at the accusations the oppositional leveled towards the government and termed them as flimsy lies that are non-binding.

“The accusations of the opposition towards the administration are baseless lies meant to put wedge between the government and the people”, he said.

He reminded them that the nation had a validly elected Head of State with constitutional mandate to formulate, establish and implement various policies to steer diverse developmental issues.

The administration has in the recent past made several actions of benevolence and good gesture to the great relief of people living with handicapped situations.

In a past such major function the president directed for the formulation of a policy geared towards the development of the sector in which he called for the comprehensive addressing of the matter including building constructions with accessories meant to cater for the needs of the handicapped members of the society, e.g. handicap toilets aid, special staircases or elevators etc.



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