Nairobi, Kenya – Family members of a former Somali police chief might soon join the Breda court case against Dahir Alasow, in his role of the kidnap of the General’s wife, family members said.
Gunmen hijacked the wife of General Jama Mohamed Qalib in Mogadishu more than a decade ago, in which the kidnappers demanded $5000, which family were forced to pay $5000 for the safety of their family member. Apparently, Dahir Alasow was the chief negotiator of that very same case and was involved in the hijack, family members confirm.
“Our mother has gone missing, until Dahir Alasow noticed us and told us to pay $5000 to the gunmen.” A family member who spoke on the condition of anonymity said.
“We are planning to file a lawsuit against Alasow in his involvement of the kidnap.” The family member added.
According the Dutch media, in late 2010, the Dutch police arrested 12 Somalis from Rotterdam and in GilzeRijen. The arrest followed after Dahir Alasow, who claims to be Dutch, Kenyan and CIA informant tipped the police over possible terrorist network in the Netherlands. But, the information Alasow provided to the police proven false in late 2011, after the victims spoke out accusing Alasow to have threatened them to inform the CIA or pay extortion money. The Dutch government had later to compensate the all victims.
Alasow cooperates with Omar Faruk Osman, who writes or translates Alasow’s defamatory and slander English publications. In this way, they have attacked various local and International organizations, donors and individuals to mention.
Among the organizations targeted with the bullying campaign waged by Omar Faruk Osman and Dahir Alasow are the Albany Associates, Bar-Kulan Radio and the United Nations Support office for AMISOM (UNSOA) back in 2012.
Dahir Alasow owns more than two dozen news websites and collects more than $200,000 received through extortion as the Horn Observer investigates.
However, the hearing of lawsuit started in Breda court this week, after Alasow appealed against a court ruling in December 2014 in favor of Dahabshiil Money Transfer, one of the largest money transfer companies in Somalia, following Dahir’s negative coverage and persistent false accusations and slander.