13:43 GMT
Two administrative searches have been conducted at Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport, also known as Roissy Airport, authorities at the hub confirmed.
“There is no direct connection with the [Paris] attacks, but [the search] is being carried out for several reasons, including elements in connection with radicalization.”
13:17 GMT
France will not “give in to fear,” President Francois Hollande told a press conference after the end of the anti-terrorist operation in Saint-Denis.
“What would our country be without its cafes, concerts, sport events and museums?” he said, adding, “Life must resume in full,” and, “Our tourists can be welcomed.”
12:00 GMT
Schools and colleges in the center of Saint Denis will stay closed for the day, an official from the prefecture of Seine-Saint-Denis said.
11:45 GMT
At least five officers were injured during the anti-terrorist operation in Saint Denis, the French National Police said on Twitter.
11:45 GMT
11:30 GMT
Later at least 50 soldiers were deployed at the scene of the police operation in Saint Denis, according to RTL.
10:56 GMT
10:55 GMT
10:45 GMT
10:28 GMT
At least two extremists, including a female suicide bomber, have been killed during police anti-terrorist operation in the Paris suburb of Saint Denis. Seven people were arrested during the raid.