Somaliland: President Siilaanyo Expresses Appreciation of Tower Hamlets Recognition


In appreciation of the recognition of Tower Hamlets Council of the Republic of Somaliland as an independent state on WEdnesday, 18 November 2015, His Excellency the President of the Republic of Somaliland, Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud ‘Siilaanyo’ , expressed his nation’s feelings in the following Press Release:


Press Release                                                                                                   Date: -22 11//2015

The President of Republic of Somaliland;

H.E. Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo


In The Name of Allah the Most Merciful Most Magnificent;


The President of the Republic of Somaliland H.E. Ahmed Mohamed (Silanyo), his government and the people of Somaliland wish to extend their profound and deep heart-felt happiness to the Mayor, councillors and the residents of Tower Hamlets borough in particular, and the people of the UK at large, in appreciation of the acknowledgment of our essence of being in support of our people’s foremost aspirations; the attainment of full recognition.

The brave efforts by H.W. Mayor John Biggs and Councillor Amina Ahmed and the entire council members of Tower Hamlets, of not only the expression of gesture, but indeed of taking the step of the bold action of practically tabling the motion and subsequently voting overwhelmingly in favour of Somaliland’s recognition will forever be engraved in the hearts and minds of the people of our nation.

The residents of Tower Hamlets have surely underscored the relevance of our over century-old relations hence at the same time underpinned the importance of the sacred basic human rights of the people of the Republic of Somaliland to achieve their self-determination and aspiration that they hold so dear.

The latest recognition of Somaliland by another British council heartens Somaliland’s case in Britain and all those who worked hard to secure the Tower Hamlets motion are thankedprofoundly by the government and people of the Republic of Somaliland.

For the last 24 years Somaliland has succeeded to nurture legitimacy and trust in the eyes of its own people and cultivating a sense of external legitimacy as a fundamental part of the pursuit for recognition. The people of the Republic of Somaliland have shown to the outside world their determination, resilience, nation spirit, value, belief and exceptional quality with respect to dealing with universal norms and values regarding democracy, peace and stability.


The endorsement by Tower Hamlets council to recognise the Republic of Somaliland will help our international efforts to convince other nations and councils to do as councils of Cardiff, Sheffield and Tower Hamlets have done. Finally, as the President of the Republic of Somaliland my message to the International Community is: “the time has come when the International Community should show the courage and decisiveness to recognize the Republic of Somaliland as a full member of the global community.”


Page2Released by the Presidential Spokesman:

    Hussein Adan Igeh (Hussein Deyr)


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