Somaliland: Somalia’s Minister for Ports barred from entering Somaliland


Somaliland authorities have barred  the minister of Port for Somalia Federal Government from entering its territory.Nuur-faarax-xirsiMr. Nur Farah Hersi. It is reported that the minister argues that he did not set an eye on his children who lived in Somaliland for the past 4 years.

The minister for ports of the Somalia government hails from Somaliland by birth. It is a well known fact that Somaliland has issued an arrest warrant for anyone who is from Somaliland but goes to Mogadishu and holds a political post.

It is a well-known fact that Somaliland has issued an arrest warrant for anyone who is from Somaliland but went to Mogadishu to hold a political post there.

The minister has said that most of people who hail from Somaliland think that I am crazy. Mr. Nur has revealed that he met his children twice on visit to Mogadishu.

The minister has put a question mark over the ban that Somaliland authority imposed on him just seeing his children and coming home to see and meet with his family members – which of course is not only a sign of his political illiteracy but a blatant abrogation of the Constitution of Somaliland he so disrespectfully flaunted.

Mr. Nur moved over to Mogadishu and embarked on an active opposition against the people and government of Somaliland after his political party ‘Gurmad’ failed to make to the three top political organizations to become national parties in the last Local Councils elections.

He had, since then, held several politically visible positions in   Mogadishu administrations that very visibly opposed Somaliland sovereignty since the two former union partners drifted apart in May 1991.

Mr. Nur is the Ports and Sea Transport Minister for the AMISOM guarded government in Mogadishu.



  1. kkkk Waar hooy joojiya Ceebta Hadaanu nahay Beesha hY dhab libaax Waxanu nahay beesha awooda somaliland Dhamantayo Waxaan aaminsanahay Somali wayn waa maxay Somaliland iyo waxan aad ka hadlaysxb kkk anigu Bishii hore xamar ayaan joogay hadana maanta hargeysa Ayan joogaa yaa wax iyeeli kara ma Sacad muuse iyo habarjeclo kkk Car waakee Viva habaryoonis Geesiyaal Qaran

  2. kkkkk walee waad abaartay suxufi saare geesi terra yaa wax ku yeeli kara dadkoo dhan ayaa og in aad tahayDhab libaaxe Sidoo kale Suxufiga dadayar ee Bakayle waa mataan runtii aad usoo baxay cid wax idin yeeli kartaa majirto Dalkan waa in laga badbadiyaa Sacsac muuse iyo Habarjelcadan uskaga ah Car waakaase Muuse shaani burco hayimaado

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