Somaliland: Presidential Committee on Economy meets with Top TELESOM Executives


10561624_876031382510716_1720169914684985473_nThe presidential appointed committee tasked to look into the economic issues and inflation, chaired by the Republic of Somaliland Vice President H.E  Abdurrahman Abdullah Ismail Saylic today at the Presidential Palace meet with top executives of TELESOM, one the leading telecommunications company.1930007_876031385844049_6161691102896906416_nDuring today’s meeting the members of the committee and TELESOM top executives discussed ways in which the current economic issues, its causes, its impact and possible alternatives of reining in the situation and stabilizing the local currency exchanges which has dipped in favor of the USD.DSC_6623

The meeting concluded after both sides brainstormed and exchanged ideas and finally coming to the conclusion that it’s  in the interest of all to work together and cooperate so to  lower current currency rates and commodity prices in local markets.

Today’s meeting is the latest of serious of similar meetings in which the committee meet with local money changers and economical experts in a bid to gather ideas and advise from the broader spectrum so as to find a lasting solution on solving the problem.DSC_6618DSC_6628

The Horn Tribune


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