Al-Shabaab recruit video with Trump excerpt: U.S. is racist, anti-Muslim


An al Qaeda affiliate has apparently released a new recruitment video, telling Muslims in America that the country has a long history of racism and discrimination and will turn on its Muslim community.

The video purportedly by Somali terrorist group al-Shabaabuses historic civil rights era footage of firebrand Malcolm X and audio of 2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump to label the United States a racist society.

In the wake of the San Bernandino shootings last month, Trump said he wanted “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.”

The video runs this line, bleeping out the word “hell.”

Before that, Trump had called for surveillance of mosquesand said he was open to establishing a database for all Muslims living in the country.

The video also includes recent footage of police shootings and violence against African Americans in Ferguson andBaltimore — and claims that this is what is in store for American Muslims.

CNN cannot independently confirm the authenticity of the video.

Throughout the video, excerpts of previous video messages from the late radical cleric Anwar al Awlaki are played predicting persecution of Muslims in the United States.

Al-Awlaki was U.S. born and raised and revered as a powerful motivator in terrorist operations for al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.

He was killed by a U.S. drone strike in 2011, in Yemen.



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