Alasow’s Illuminati Satanic Hand Signs Exposed & Explained
Compiled by Dennis Wade
Dahir Abdulle Alasow, a.k.a. Dibiile, has become notorious among Somali circles as an influential, demonic leader among the uneducated, the underworld, the unscrupulous and among all who wished to foment strife to arrive at own ends.
Alasow, today, wields an undeniable, behind-the-curtain influence on briefcase Somali ‘federal’ states whose visible ‘leaders’ he controls through a number of vise-grips such as blackmail.
Some of the groups/clans/individuals he uses hold the misconception that he is ‘ a friend in need’ whilst he is laughing at them behind their back knowing fully well that he is exploiting their naivety to fulfill his every whim and bidding.
The man has built for himself a wide network that dances to his tunes. Members form his eyes, ears and tentacles to break victims to submission – often for financial considerations.
To make his allegations appear legitimate, the man started running websites that appear legitimate Kenyan or Ugandan media outlets (, Kampalanews, etc.) which, in fact, they are not.
Researching into his past and present, we have come to the conclusion that the man sold himself to a cult whose allegiance to Satan has been on the limelight for centuries.
We found out that Alasow belongs to a Chapter of the Illuminati called the Frankist Movement founded in the Eighteenth Century. Jacob Frank, born Jacob Leibowitz (1726-1791) led a major Satanic heresy that shook the Jewish world. They believed that the Messiah would return if the world went over to evil completely.
The kind of illuminati fraternity Alasow belongs to is into everything that can earn them money, fame or love: witchcraft, human trafficking, sex trade, trade in human parts, black markets. blackmail, starting wars, money laundering, bounty killing, drug trafficking – you name it, to them a cup of tea.
The Illuminati, today, claim that they only belong to a society that helps members attain international fame and affluence. But writers have challenged that assertion by pointing out the uncanny resemblance of hand signs they use to demonic, Satanic occult symbols and signs.
The cult no longer lurks in the shadows. It has pages and pages that openly call for memberships, advertising benefits of membership.
Below are pictures, videos, definitions and graphic drawings that tell a story of their own, inextricably binding this Alasow character to other known occult, cult members.
Definition of Illuminati
Does he belong to a satanist world cult that sold itself to the devil?
Alasow appears to have connections that, normally, could have been beyond the means, the reach, the capability of an uneducated, ex-killer from the gutters of a city that holds no fond memories for him – a city that, in fact, is hunting for his head for a myriad of reasons all centering on nefarious misdeeds committed.
Illuminati Conspiracy Theory defined
The Illuminati conspiracy is a conspiracy theory which holds that there is a “global elite” society that is either in control of the world or is seeking to take control of the world. As with most conspiracy theories, beliefs regarding the Illuminati conspiracy vary widely. As a result, it is virtually impossible to give a synopsis of the Illuminati conspiracy. Popularized in recent books and movies, the Illuminati conspiracy has definitely reached “cult fiction” status.
Illuminati Conspiracy Theory Illustrated
Hand signs of the Illuminati can be flashed in public by puppet world leaders and celebrities while the unsuspecting masses remain ignorant.Like Illuminati symbols, only Illuminati insiders are aware of the true meanings hidden behind the signs, hand gestures or semaphores. Profanes, Barbarians, Cowans and other outsiders are left in darkness.
Pyramid, Eye in Pyramid, Diamond, Triangle, Eye in Triangle, Sign for the Grade of Fire, Triangle of Manifestation
The Roc Sign
The pyramid is an important Illuminati symbol showing their few ruling the many on the bottom type power structure. The symbol becomes more powerful when the sign is done over an eye, representing the All-Seeing eye in a capstone floating over an unfinished pyramid.
The pyramid sign is seen by many researchers to be THE sign of the Illuminati.
Celebrity hip-hop artist Jay-Z made the sign famous by using it as a sign for his record labels Roc-A-Fella, Def Jam and Roc Nation.
Jay-Z told the history of the Roc Sign gesture on BBC Radio’s Live Lounge. He and other employees at Roc-A-Fella Records began doing the sign to each other in their hallways telling themselves that newly- signed Christión single “Full of Smoke” would go Diamond. (5 million copies sold)
Jay Z soon began to use the sign as a semaphore for Roc-A-Fella Records, and later Roc Nation.
Tom Cruise
Ben Stiller
Al Sharpton
Warren Buffett
Denzel Washington
Christina Aguilera
Victor Cruz
Kanye West
James Lebron
Jay Z’s use of the hand gesture prompted pro wrestler Jimmy Page to sue Jay Z for infringing on his intellectual property because Page had used the symbol to indicate his signature move, the Diamond Cutter. (A move derived from Johnny Ace’s Ace Crusher.) Jay Z settled the claim for an undisclosed sum.
The sign has been used previously in many different contexts. In Aleister Crowley’s A.’.A.’., the gesture is thesign for the grade of fire. Wiccans know the symbol as the Triangle of Manifestation.
In the Jewish tradition it was used as the Priestly Blessing of Kohen. Star Trek’s Spock’s Vulcan salute was itself based on this Kohen blessing sign. In Ninja Kuji inmagic it is the Kai (在), one of the 9 primary hand symbols used to channel energy.
One of the 9 primary signs of the Ninja Kujiin
Dora making a triangle
Feminist Gloria Steinem
Diamond Sign Dallas Page
Hebrew high priests throwing a Roc
Sign for Toblerone’s triangular shape or shout out to Illuminati?
The sign is also done in reverse. Current Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel uses the “Merkel-Raute” as her trademarked sign.
Angela Merkel
Pope John Paul 2
Adolph Hitler
666. 666 hand sign, Six Six Six, Circle Eye, OK Sign, Okay
Beyoncé Triple 6
The sign is made by touching your thumb with your index finger making a circle. The other fingers follow the index’s shape thus forming the tail of two 6s.
“Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.”
~ Revelation 13: 18
New King James Version (NKJV)
The sign is given as a pledge of allegiance to Satan. When it is given over the eye, it represents the eye of Lucifer.
Justin Bieber
Tyra Banks
Emma Watson
Justin Timberlake
Michael Jackson
Bill Clinton
Lady Gaga
The Devil’s Horns, El Diablo, Diabolicus, Il Cornuto, Sign of the Horns…Illuminati Symbol?
George W Bush flashing the Devil’s Horn
The Hook ’em Horns is the sign for the University of Texas of Austin.
According to Illuminati symbolism researcher Texe Marrs in Codex Magica (Read it here, buy it here), Helen Keller herself was an occultist and in the Illuminati’s tradition of hiding symbols in plain sight and keeping the symbols real meaning to Illuminati initiates chose the sign of Satan as the deaf sign for I love You.
According to Illuminati researcher Fritz Springmeier, the sign of the horns is a hypnotic induction which triggers certain programming in Monarch mind-controlled slaves.
Bill Clinton
Prince William
Michael Jackson
Barrack Obama
Hillary Clinton
Ronald Reagan
Quentin Tarantino
All-Seeing Eye, Eye of Lucifer, Hidden Eye of Lucifer, Eye of Horus
The Hidden Eye
The sign is made by covering the other eye with the other hand with only one eye remaining visible.The sign represents the evil eye floating above the pyramid. The single eye, or the eye of Providence originates in Egypt with the eye of Horus. In conspiracy theory lore, it represents allegiance to Satan and the Illuminati.
Lady Gaga
Aldous Huxley
Nicki Minaj
Michael Jackson
Miley Cyrus
The Lion’s paw and other Freemasonic Handshakes
Masonic Handshakes
These are by far the hardest signs to identify on this list. There are dozens of Masonic handshakes and signs. The first 3 degrees of Freemsonry (Blue Lodge) alone have 5 grips and 7 different signs. Other rites connected to these three degrees include the appendant bodies such as the York Rite with 12 degrees and the Scottish Rite with 33 degrees.There are also, irregular Masonic Lodges like the Rite of Memphis-Misraïm with 99 degrees while the Bavarian Illuminati had 9 different grips and 9 individual signs.
That’s A LOT of Masonic handshakes.
It is also incredibly difficult to determine whether are not the people doing the handshake intended it to be a Masonic handshake.
There are hundreds of variations of everyday handshakes which depend on a variety of factors including a person’s height, distance from shaker and even whether or not a person is in a hurry or not. Handshakes also vary depending on how familiar greeters are with each other.
Here are some of the more famous alleged Masonic handshake: (click image for full view)
See world leading politicians, business leaders and celebs allegedly doing Masonic handshakes on Youtubehere and here.
Hitler Salute, Bellamy salute, Roman salute, Sign of Zelator
Nazi salute
The Bellamy Salute traditionally accompanying the Pledge of Allegiance was changed in December 1942 as it became more and more associated with the infamous Nazi Regime. The Olympic salute which is also similar to the Nazi salute has always generated controversy whenever it is.
Links to the Illuminati: The Nazi Salute based on the ancient “Roman” salute was adopted by the Nazis in the 1930s. Hitler was a creation of Illuminati bankers. General Electric, General Motors, DuPont, Ford and Standard Oil were eager to go to war and reap in the benefits. American branches of the Illuminati bankrolled World War 2 and kept feeding Hitler’s war machine until the very end of the war.
Links to the Bavarian Illuminati: No. None of the grips and recognition signal used by the Illuminati resembled the Nazi salute.
Links to Freemasonry: None. Hitler banned freemasonry in Germany because in his beliefs in the Elders of Zion and the Judeo-Masonic Conspiracy.
Heil Bush
Heil Arnold
Pre-WW2 Bellamy Salute
Heil Obama
Golden Dawn Sign of Zelator
Logo for the CFR’s Foreign Affairs magazine
Hidden Hand of the Men of Jahbuhlun (Jahbulon, Jabulon), Sign of the Master of the Second Veil
The Hidden Hand
Texe Marrs calls this sign the Hidden Hand of the Men of Jahbulon in his Codex Magica. According to Marrs, it represents the hidden Masonic deity, Jahbulon. The sign’s true meaning must remain hidden from the public.
Jahbuhlun = Jah-buh-lun = Yah-Baal-On =
Yahweh-Baal-Osiris = The true god of Masonry
George Washington
Karl Marx
Friedrich Nietzsche
Baron von Knigge
Sign of the Master of the Second Veil (Royal Arch Mason – York Rite)
Frédéric Bartholdi
Joseph Stalin
Devil’s claw, Lion’s paw, Hand on Heart
Hand Over Heart
The sign is made by holding the right hand over the heart sometimes raising the left hand with the palm facing forward.
The sign of the hand over the heart represents a reminder of the Masonic obligation of silence from the Fellowcraft degree in which the heart shall be torn out if a Mason were to break his Masonic oath.
“All this I most solemnly promise and swear with a firm and steadfast resolution to perform the same, without any hesitation, mental reservation, or self-evasion of mind whatever, binding myself under no less penalty than of having my breast torn open, my heart plucked out, and placed on the highest pinnacle of the temple (some say, My heart and vitals taken from thence, and thrown over my left shoulder, and carried into the valley of Jehoshaphat, there to be devoured by the vultures of the air, should I ever knowingly violate the Fellow Craft obligation.”
Heavy stuff.
Christopher Columbus
John Kennedy
Dick Cheney
Pope John Paul 2
Chevron, Sign of Pan the Horned God, Peace Sign
V for Victory
The sign is made by holding up the index and middle fingers to form a V.
The V sign was made famous by WW2 Britain Prime Minister Winston Churchill which he used as sign of victory in war. Researcher Stanley Monteith claims that Winston Churchill learned about the sign from being a Druid since 1908. The V sign can also be done over the eye thus representing a triangle over the eye of Lucifer.According to Codex Magic, the sign can be a sign of Satan, of malediction or the horned pagan god, Pan. It can also represent Vulcan, the ancient god of fire and destruction.
Marrs writes:
Done in the typical fashion, this sign literally means intercourse by the devil—to be violated sexually by the horned God. The thumb holding down the fingers creates the “vulva,” while the two largest fingers pointed up are the horns of the God (Satan).
The sign can also be taken to represent a chevron, the symbol of “Wrath and Destruction”. American hippies adapted the V for victory in war sign to mean peace. The hand gesture quickly became THE hand sign for peace.
Researchers often point out that the sign represents a Roman numeral five, a sign for the “Satanic Law of Fives”. However, the law of Fives appears to be a creation of the Discordian Society. The society’s Pentabarf’ is a reflection of this law.
Michael Jackson
John Lennon
Michael Moore
Nicki Minaj
Mickey Mouse
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Hillary Clinton
Masonic Cry of Distress, Hailing Sign of Distress
Masonic Grand Hailing Sign of Distress
The sign is made by raising both hands in the air with palms facing out. It looks like someone holding up their arms, as in being help-up. According to some conspiracy theorists, if a Mason ever finds himself in a court law and wishes to appeal to the Masons on the Jury or the Judge, he can perform the Grand Hailing Sign of Distress, and get a chance at getting off. Any mason hearing those words are seeing that sign is oath bound to help by any means possible.
The sign consists of raising your hand up precisely like someone getting held-up. It might look a suspicious if a mason attempted to use this sign in Court according to some legends… According to Duncan’s Monitor, not only does the sign consist of raising your arms up, which itself would probably arouse suspicion, it also involves dropping your hands down straight down and back up three times!
You’d look like a bird attempting to take flight…
Tales surrounding the death of founder of Mormonism Joseph Smith often include Smith either saying “Is There No Help for the Widow’s Son?” or [even more unlikely] performing the Grand Hailing Sign of Distress as he fell from a second-story window to his death after being shot multiple times.
The words accompanying this sign in the night, or dark, when the sign cannot be seen, are, viz.: “O Lord my God! is there no help for the widow’s son?”
Caveat lector: Are the politicians and celebrities in this article aware that they are making Satanic or Illuminati symbols? Do they know about the signs alleged occult connections and meanings? Are they knowingly and willingly pledging allegiance to Satan or to the Illuminati?
Hidden hand?
Personally, I tend to make the peace sign in many pictures. I didn’t know about the sign’s possible ties with Satanism or the Illuminati before reading Texe Marrs’ Codex Magica.
Symbols can have a variety of meanings and can be interpreted differently by each individual. Jay-Z specifically explained the meaning of the Roc sign, so did Beyoncé.
Some (Most) celebs are genuinely confused as to why people believe they have joined the Illuminati or are in league with Satan.
How the Illuminati make money
The Illuminati are involved in many areas of making money, as they need continued financing to survive. There are several illegal enterprises that they are involved in, as well as legal ones.
Drug running: The Illuminati linked up with the Mafia and the Columbians, years ago, to help each other out with bringing drugs into the United States. They also provide couriers for taking drugs and money out of the States. The Illuminists are generally wealthy businessmen, who have 4 layers of people underneath them. The fourth layer down actually has contact with the people in the drug industry. They never identify themselves as Illuminists; only as people interested in investing, with a guaranteed profit, and are highly secretive. In return, the local groups supply people willing to be couriers of money or drugs, or people willing to help cover for the local operations.
Pornography: The Illuminati are linked in many cities with pornography/prostitution/child prostitution/ and white slavery sales. Again, several layers are present, as a buffer, between the true “management” and those either engaged in the activities, or in paying for/funding and eventually being paid for the activities.
Children are often supplied from the local cult groups, and taught to be child prostitutes (and later, adult prostitutes); are photographed and filmed in every type of pornography available, including “snuff films” and violent films.
Gun running: The Illuminati and other groups are also involved in international gun sales and shipments. The Illuminists have well trained couriers who will cross international and state lines. These couriers are highly secretive, and will not reveal their sources, on pain of suicide or assassination. These people are accountable to others above them, with two more “buffer layers” of people above these, before the person in the Illuminati with money, who helps fund this, is found.
Buying access codes for military computers: The Illuminati will have people from all strata of civilian life trained to go and make pickups near or on military bases. A typical person used might be the innocent looking wife of a military person, a local businessman, or even a college student. There is a contact inside the base, also a dissasociative Illuminist, who brings the information to the outside contact. Occasionally, the contact person is paid with money, information, or goods. The military computer codes are changed on random schedules; the Illuminati have at least 5 or 6 contacts on each major base, who alert them when the codes are getting ready to change, on pain of death. The Illuminists like having access to military computers, because that will gain them entrance to closed files the world over.
Hiring and selling assassinations: this is done worldwide, more in Europe than in the States. These people are paid big money to do either a private or political assassination. The money is paid either to the assassin, or to the trainer; usually they both divide the fee The assassin is offered protection in another country for awhile, until the trail runs cold. If the kill is done in Europe they may be sent to the far east or the U.S., and vice versa if the kill is done in the U.S. The Illuminati have a wide arena of places and false identities to hide these people, unless for some reason they want the assassin disposed of as well. Then, he/she is caught and immediately executed.
Mercenaries/military trainers: guess who gets paid money to come in and train paramilitary groups? Who has training camps all over the states of Montana, Nevada, and North Dakota? Who occasionally will offer their expertise in return for a large financial reward? They never advertise themselves as Illuminati, unless the group is known to be sympathetic to their cause. Instead, these are tough, cold, brutal military trainers, who offer to teach these groups in return for money, or even better, a promise to affiliate with their group in return (loyalty in return for knowledge). More and more paramilitary groups have been brought into the Illuminati this way, without their full knowledge of who and what the group really is. This gives the Illuminists a way to monitor these groups (their trainers report on them, and their activities), and it can be useful to have trained military groups that they can call on someday.
Banking: The original Illuminists were bankers, and they have highly trained financiers to organize their money, and funnel the above illicit funds into more “respectable” front groups/organizations. They will also start benevolent charities, community organizations, etc., as fronts, and funnel the money from a broad base into these groups. The Illuminati particularly pride themselves on their money making and manipulation skills, and their ability to cover their paper trails expertly, through layer after layer.
All banking trails eventually will lead to Belgium, the Illuminati financial center for the world. These are some of the major money making enterprises that the Illuminati are engaged in. They have a lot of financial resources, backing their enterprises, which means that in reality they can engage the best lawyers, accountants, etc. to help cover their trail as well.
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Please joined me the Illuminati
I need to get member of illumanti