Somaliland: 5 Lose life in Gory Trucks Collision


Five died in a gory accident outside Hargeisa, Somaliland,  on Wednesday, several more sustained injuries of various degrees.

Two, fast-driving water-tanker trucks collided head on at full speed on near Halleeya police checkpoint on the raod entering the capital, Hargeisa, from the east.

The dead and injured were transported to the Hargeisa General Hospital where the survivors were checked in and given emergency treatment.

The names of the fatally killed are:

  1.  Hamza Hussein Abdullahi
  2. Hamza Musa Madar
  3. Mustafa Mohamed Ahmed
  4. Suleiman Ali Omer
  5. Ahmed Abdi Mohamed

Reckless driving accidents have been on the rise in Somaliland of late. It was only a few months back that fourteen people belonging to two families died in a similar accident in between Wajaalle and Gabiley to the west of Hargeisa. 1-171-740x4161-170-740x740 (1)


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