Cameron’s musical exit: ‘Winnie the Pooh’ or ‘West Wing?’


In what might be the best hot mic moment of the year — and there have been a few to choose from — David Cameron was caught humming a little tune to himself shortly after he announced Theresa May would become the next UK Prime Minister.

“Do, doo, do, do…,” he sings as he heads back to the Prime Minster’s residence.
For those wondering exactly what Cameron was getting at with his ditty, British radio station Classic FM immediately offered up some analysis, christening the soon-to-be anthem, “Cameron’s Lament.”
However, most people in the Twittersphere were of the view that rather than a lament, he had a bit of a spring in his step as he rounded off his tenure, in a marked change to his appearance a few weeks previously.
It didn’t take long before theories abounded as to what specific tune Cameron was aiming for. The most popular view was that although it might all look a bit “Yes Minister,” it was “The West Wing” that was on the soon-to-be-former-PM’s mind.
Other classics to get a mention included “Shostakovich’s 5th,” “Winnie the Pooh,” “Schools out for Summer,” “The Final Countdown,” and, maybe most aptly, “The Great Escape.”
But for now, his very British exit remains a mystery. In the words of one online commentator: “Cameron out!”


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