Somalia: Ethiopian Troops Commit Atrocities in Somalia – MP


A member of Interim south-west administration (ISWA) parliament accuses the Ethiopian forces in Somalia serving under AU Mission of committing ‘crimes against humanity’.

Speaking in an interview with Radio Shabelle, Abdulkadir Mohamed Ali, the lawmaker said Ethiopian soldiers have carried out several mass murders in Baay and Bakool regions.

“Ethiopian troops are indiscriminately killing unarmed civilians, the latest incident has happened in Wardinle area near Baidoa, where they have executed 14 religious Muslim clerics,” said Ali.

In July last year, Human Rights Watch (HRW) has accused the UN-mandated African Union Mission in Somali (AMISOM) troops of civilian deaths.

African Union troops have battled Al Shabaab militants in central and southern Somalia alongside Somali National Army (SNA) for nearly a decade as part of stabilization efforts.



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