Somaliland: Berbera Port is Public Property, says Council of Ministers


Members of the house of representatives are set for debate as pertains the contract awarded DP World to manage and develop the Somaliland port of Berbera.

This outcome follows the cabinet of ministers’ unanimous approval of the contract entered between the government of Somaliland and the United Arab Emirates in which DP World was mandated with the management of Berbera Port that spans 30 years.

At the weekly cabinet meeting held on the 28-07-016 at the presidency in Hargeisa a chaired by president Ahmed Mahmud Silanyo the council of ministers’ gave nod  of approval to deal which shall see the Emirati owned DP World infuse over $400m.

The approval through a show of hands called by president Silanyo who was flanked by his deputy Abdirahman Sayli came after a detailed briefing on the subject by the presidency minister Mahmud And I Hashi.

According to a statement released by the presidential spokesperson who is an Ex-officio member of the cabinet, the briefing by minister which clarified several issues that have been paramount in the minds of Somalilanders since pen was put to paper in Dubai mid-May 2016, it was revealed and stated that

  1. The bid for development and management of Berbera Port  had attracted 8 international companies and after due process, six were eliminated leaving   DP World of UAE And French Bollore Africa Logistics in contention
  2. For many reasons including the caveat i  the contract that shall see the UAE government contribute towards development of the Berbera corridor that links Ethiopia to the port of Berbera and Somaliland at large DP World was awarded.
  3. Revealed that the port of Berbera is Public Property and remains so since DP World has only been mandated with management and operation on a 30 years lease.
  4. The contract is based on mutual benefit thus both DP World and the government on behalf of the owner’s, citizens, shall each accrued profits.
  5. The contract was necessitated by the imperatives of developing the port, for the government could not do so owing to constraints related to securing either loans or direct grants internationally.
  6. The strategic need for Somaliland to become a hub in the very important gulf of Aden and Red sea which it straddles
  7. The Infusion of $442m within 30 years favoured DP World
  8. That DP World strategic design of securing the millions of people economy in Ethiopia also favoured the firm.
  9. That DP World shall immediately upon final signature and within 12 months  to its contract start construction of a second port with a radius of 400m and that the existing port shall not be interfered in any way until the new port is completed.
  10. A third port to be constructed measuring 400m upon competition of 75% of contractual obligations of the two ports.
    Current employees at the Berbera Port numbering 840 shall be absorbed in Toto by DP World while New recruitment targets 3000 by the end of the contract.
  11. For the government of the United Arab Emirates to support both completion and maintenance of the Berbera Corridor as part of the DP World package.
    Though benefits are myriad interventions in the energy and agricultural sectors are worthy of mention.

Finally, the DP World contract also entails the establishment of a bureau in the country tasked with facilitating  employment opportunities in the UAE for Somaliland citizens.

Similarly, the state will facilitate a centre where commercial activities between Somaliland and the UAE shall be coordinated
At the Council of Ministers, none of the attendees opposed or abstained from casting a vote of full confidence on the agreement reached with DP World.




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