Egypt news chief fired after airing wrong Sisi interview


The head of news at Egyptian state television has been sacked after the channel mistakenly aired an old interview of the country’s President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi.

Channel 1 was expected to broadcast a recent interview the president granted to the US network PBS.

But it instead aired a year-old interview with the same network. The transmission was halted when staff realised the mistake.

Mr Shehata has confirmed he was fired.

But he told AFP news agency that it was “illogical” as other people had been involved in the transmission as well, putting it down to “fate”.

The broadcast had been timed to link in with the president’s current visit to the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

State television’s Safaa Hegazy later apologised for the “grave mistake” and said an investigation was under way to identify those responsible.



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