SONSAF, SSE say timely elections foster solidarity in Statement


The Somaliland Non-State Actors Forum (SONSAF) and the Somaliland Society in Europe (SSE) held extensive discussions during the months of September and October of this year. These discussions focused on the electoral process and the need for timely, free and fair elections to be held on 28 March 2017.

To accelerate finalizing the voter registration process and to produce a preliminary voter list, final voter list and distribution of voter cards in a timely fashion is essential to the electoral process of Somaliland.

In this regard, SONSAF and SSE call on the Government of Somaliland and the National Electoral Commission (NEC) to maximize the level of information sharing by disseminating a clear election timeline.

The recent election postponement of the House of Representatives was a clear sign that Somaliland’s electoral process faces tremendous political and legal challenges which requires consistent and coherent political decisions. In this regard, we (SONSAF and SSE) are ready to offer our advice and technical support to arrive at a long-lasting solution.

SONSAF and SSE urge the Somaliland Government to develop a roadmap for the parliamentary elections, believing that some critical issues on regional representations, women and minority quotas are the key outstanding factors in the elections. The roadmap for parliamentary elections will be an imperative step forward to ensure the minimum necessary period to resolve these critical issues.

Therefore, the Somaliland civil society and diaspora communities believe that timely elections can advance the political stability and in winning national solidarity. It is a legitimate concern that the people of Somaliland are not pleased by the frequent Election delays experienced since the adoption of the constitution in 2001.

SONSAF and SSE congratulate the Government of Somaliland for paying its portion of funds for the elections.

In the meantime, SONSAF and SSE also acknowledge longstanding technical and financial assistance of the International community.

Consequently, we encourage donors to continue their generous support for the well-being of Somaliland.

Mustafe Saad Dhimbil                                                          Abdillahi Yusuf (Xeef)
Chairman of SONSAF                                                                  SSE Chairman

Download Statement in PDF here: sonsaf-sse-press-statement-23-october-2016


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