Special death squad to wipe out Kim Jong-un before he detonates nukes


A SPECIAL task force has been launched to strike Kim Jong-un’s wartime leadership.

he tubby tyrant has increased war-mongering threats in recent weeks, with boasts about his country’s nuclear capability and threats to various nations in the West.

Top diplomats have even predicted that the despot leader will launch a nuclear assault this year.Kim Jong-un

To tackle North Korea’s growing threat, South Korea is beefing up their nuclear defence capabilities – including a special unit to take out Kim.

Defence minister Han Min-koo said: “We are planning to set up a special brigade with the goal of removing or paralysing North Korea’s wartime command structure.”The squad will be based on a “kill chain” system, which will detect incoming missiles from the North and launch counter-attacks on key facilities.Attacks will also be launched on North Korean military leaders and even the first chairman of the national defence commission, Kim himself, if they believe a nuclear warhead is close to launch.

The defence ministry of South Korea has also increased its estimate of the amount of plutonium and highly-enriched uranium Kim may be holding to create weapons of mass destruction.

Defence officials now believe that North Korea has the supplies to manufacture between four and eight nuclear weapons.

Experts believe that the communist nation could launch a nuclear missile on Donald Trump’s first day in office on January 20.

In his new year address, Kim told his followers that they had reached the final stage of preparing an intercontinental ballistic missile which could reach the US.

By Jamie Micklethwaite



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