Nkaissery given two days to return Joho, Kingi security detail


ODM leaders have given Interior CS Joseph Nkaissery two days to return the security detail of Governors Hassan Joho (Mombasa) and Amason Kingi (Kilifi).

They said on Saturday if Nkaissery does not revoke an order withdrawing the security personnel, democracy would take its course.

This comes after the State withdrew bodyguards assigned to Joho and Kingi without a clear explanation.

But sources said the move may have been because the two governors dressed down President Uhuru Kenyatta over projects he had launched during his tour of the Coastal region.

Joho had on Thursday lectured Uhuru claiming he was boasting of launching projects funded by other entities.

Uhuru, who officially opened the bridge on Thursday, boasted about his government’s allocation of large amounts of money to Coast counties, Mombasa in particular

[VIDEO] Joho lectures Uhuru on hijacking Mombasa projects

“Over Sh600 million has been used to build this foot bridge. Foot paths and slums at the Coast will be upgraded at a cost of Sh3.2 billion,” he said without specifying the source of funds.

But Joho, who spoke in Bamburi while Uhuru watched, said the money for the bridge was donated by World Bank.

He dismissed claims that Jubilee administration had pumped a lot of money to implement projects in Mombasa.

“I know the history of this project. It started in 2010 way before Jubilee came to power,” he said.

“What we want to hear being announced is that the Jubilee government will leave behind a few billions for several projects,” he added.

MPs Abdhulswamad Nasir (Mvita), Rashid Betsimba (Kisauni), Badi Twalib (Jomvu), Suleiman Dor (Msambweni), Mishi Mboko (Mombasa woman rep) Mombasa and other leaders were among the politicians present in the press conference.



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