Somaliland opposition parties propose election postponement, Kulmiye differs


The Republic of Somaliland’s two political opposition parties of Waddani and UCID proposed that the Presidential elections slated for March 2017 be postponed for six months.

The three national political parties submitted a jointly signed 4-point statement to the Somaliland National Electoral Commission on Tuesday showing an accentuated difference in the technicality of the proposed extension.

The opposition political parties’ suggestion was based on the view that the waging drought in large areas of Somaliland needs to be combated, and victims assisted to cope with the stress posed by a disturbing dearth of food and fodder.

The fourth point of a paper, officially signed by the two chairpersons of Waddani and UCID and the parties’ candidates for the presidency, Abdirahman Mohamed Abdullahi “Irro”, and Faisal Ali Hussein (a.k.a. Faisal Ali Waraabe),  proposes a six-month extension to the current term in office of reigning government.

The ruling party Chairman, Mr. Musa Behi Abdi, co-signing the four-point paper with Mr. Irro and Waraabe differed in opinion. Kulmiye, the paper stated in its third point, proposed that any decision relating to the scheduled elections should be strictly constitutional and in line with a concurring settlement of the Somaliland Constitutional Court.

The government has reiterated time and again that the elections should be held on time.

It is the first time in the country’s nascent democracy that opposition parties propose an extension of term for a reluctant administration.


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