Berbera Mayor lauds Dahabshiil boost to city library


The Chairman of Berbera City Council, the Mayor, Abdishakur Mohamoud Iddin, expressed his lasting gratitude to Dahabshiil for making yet another hefty contribution to the council.

Dahabshiil Group of companies donated a hefty US$30 000 to the completion of Berbera city library.“The city had benefited greatly from Dahabshiil philanthropy on several occasions before. The Group has contributed previously to – to cite but one or two of its more recent attention – the establishment of the city’s Marine Science college library, relief and rehabilitation hand following the Tsunami losses, the protection of the city cemetery and  its perimeter wall,” the Mayor said.Following up on several equally telling contributions which the Group made to Berbera council activities, the Deputy CEO, Abdirahman Ali Abdi, handed the check to Mayor.

“As the Mayor touched on, Dahabshiil is ever ready to contribute to to projects that are of tremendous use to the residents of Berbera, here, and in all areas that call for timely intervention,” Dy Abdirahman stated. Dahabshiil, an international name emerging as an international in its fast, efficient and very reliable money transfer services worldwide has, of late, added banking and telecommunication services that have captured the patronage and hearts of Somali and international clients and subscribers.

Dahabshiil Group sets a sizeable portion of its profits for socially beneficial programs: developmental or otherwise.


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