Republic of Somaliland fully supports Saudi-UAE stance against Qatar


The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Somaliland, today, fully supported the stand that Saudi Arabia, UAE, Yemen and other Gulf states took against Qatar, accusing it of support to Islamic militants and terror groups in the region.

In a statement His Excellency the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Dr. Saad Ali Shire, gave the press, he said that the Republic of Somaliland was principally and categorically against anything that jeopardized regional stability as it opposes militancy and terrorism in all its forms.

Cognizant of and in acknowledgment of the deep historical roots which tied the Republic of Somaliland to the Gulf of Arabia, he said, the Cabinet of Ministers resolved in today’s meeting of 10/06/2017, that:

  1. The Republic of Somaliland fully supports the stand taken by Saudi Arabia and UAE against Qatar;
  2. Effective from today, no one can use the airspace of Somaliland without the express permission of relevant authorities of the Republic of Somaliland
  3. The Republic of Somaliland has sole authority over its airspace, its seas and land, and, therefore, Somalia cannot give permission to anyone on use of Somaliland airspace, sea and land and has not authority whatsoever to do so.

The decision taken by Somaliland, today, exposes the misleading, fictitious concept that lumps the 26-year-Republicblic of Somaliland within a fumbling, internationally-policed federal Somalia and its half a dozen or so satellite ‘states’.

Somaliland, despite the absence of international recognition, has proven to the world, that it can be a useful, deciding factor in geopolitical affairs of the region as it is a stalwart bastion of peace and stability in an otherwise volatile region.

The country’s recent military and economic concessions it cemented with the United Arab Emirates has clearly tipped the balance in favor of the UAE-Saudi campy in the political and economic crisis shaping up in the Gulf.


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