End of the Book Fair ? Not Really


Today is the last day of the Book Fair. I can already see tears on cheeks, sorrow on some faces and excitement at the same time. A number of International guests would say goodbye to Somaliland and others will be here waving at those leaving at the airport. Memories were shared, friends were made, experiences were exchanged and knowledge was imparted.http://hadhwanaag.ca/attached/11825634_522510157903193_8989871352208908764_n.jpg

Those leaving Hargeisa will always remember the peaceful environment, lovely people, tasty food, Somali culture, arts and many more. Some will specifically remember the “Goat Meat” and Camel Milk. They will remember those moments and it will be painted in their memories forever. Whenever they hear Somaliland or Hargeisa, those memories will immediately pop up and they would wish they were here again. Places are usually remembered by their memories, if they are bad they give you nightmares but if they are good, they make you excited, full of joy, happiness and cheerfulness.Dancers perform a traditional Somali dance at the book fair - Hargeisa, Somaliland

Those who are remaining in Hargeisa will always remember the good visitors, those who came all the way from their comfort zones to share their moments with Somalilanders, to learn from the Somali culture and to show theirs. They will remember those happy faces finally leaving the country after such eventful week. Meeting great role models, great writers, artists and other international figures will be their best moments and will remain in their memories forever. It is always sad to see friends and loved ones leaving but what is not deniable is the fact that the memories remain and die with you.

Today, we are living in a very connected world and with the advance of technology you don’t even have to miss anyone anymore. Take a look at social media and how it keeps people connected even if they far away. They can still talk, text, video chat and share media. This is why today’s world is so much different from yesterdays and people are becoming close and united.

Today is probably the end of the book fair event but not the end of friendship and connectivity. People will leave Somaliland but they will still be connected.

By Rooble Mohamed


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