[VIDEO] Evil spell: Mombasa thieves dance on street with snake after stealing car


Witchcraft is real.

At least that is what two suspected car thieves found out in Mombasa after they were caught by suspected evil powers.The two suspected car thieves outside Yeshua Clinic in Bamburi on Wednesday, September 6, 2017. /BRIAN OTIENOThe two allegedly stole a Nissan Fuga and were driving it towards Bamburi Mtambo from Bamburi Mwisho.

They would later mysteriously stop the car, park it outside a clinic, got out, undressed and started bathing in a nearby pool of muddy water.

“They were saying it was so hot and they needed a bath,” said an eyewitness.

A snake was allegedly following them.

The two suspected car thieves, however, picked up the snake and started speaking to it.

They danced with it as if they were having a conversation, according to residents.

They took turns carrying the snake around their neck.

Some said they recognized the car, which they said belonged to a man living near Anwarali, in Kisauni constituency.

Some eyewitnesses said the two will only be “released” after the car owner arrives at the scene.

Hundreds of curious onlookers milled around them.

Police, who arrived later, had a hard time controlling the crowd.

The incident caused a massive traffic snarl-up as onlookers tried to get a glimpse of the two.

Occasionally, the two caused near stampedes as they threatened to throw the snake into the crowd.

All the while, the live snake never left their hands.

Incidences of people using witchcraft to capture thieves are common in Mombasa and other parts of the country.

In January, a suspected thief was found lying outside a house from where he had stolen a goat in Majaoni area of Kisauni constituency.

The suspected thief had tied the goat with a rope and used it as a pillow.

He was stark naked.

By BRIAN OTIENO @yobramos4



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