Here Are Some Black British Muslims You Should Know About


1. Poetic Pilgrimage, hip-hop duo

Instagram: @poeticpilgrimage

You can keep up with their work here.

2. Nifty, photographer

You can follow him and keep up with his work here.


You can follow him and keep up with his work here.

3. Prince Wasim, owner of Milk-Sheikh

4. Hanna Ali is a writer and teaching fellow at SOAS university.

Ali's collection of short stories 'The Story of Us' is published as an e-book and audiobook in Somali. You can get a copy here.

darren boyd

Ali’s collection of short stories ‘The Story of Us’ is published as an e-book and audiobook in Somali. You can get a copy here.

5. Buki Kekeré, artist

Instagram: @bukikekere

You can follow her on Instagram and keep up with her work here.

6. The Halfway Kid, musician, 27.

You can listen to his music on Soundcloud here.

Jean-Francois Massicot

You can listen to his music on Soundcloud here.

7. Mukhtar Ali, British footballer for the Saudi national team and SBV Vitesse.

You can follow him on Instagram here.

8. Muna Ruumi, radio presenter and creative director at BHX

Instagram: @spyonmuna

You can follow her on Instagram here.

9. Yasmin Omar, a community development officer and Youtuber

You can check out her YouTube channel here.


You can check out her YouTube channel here.

10. Chunkz, YouTuber

You can check out his videos here.

11. Mariam Yusuf, stylist and creative director

You can keep up to date with her work here.


You can keep up to date with her work here.

12. Ramla, a model and biomedical science student

Instagram: @rmlaj

You can check her out on Instagram here.

13. Asma Elbadawi, a poet and basketballer

You can keep up with her latest work here.

14. Halimat Shode, founder and editor of the Black Muslim Times UK

You can read the Black Muslims Times UK here and follow Shode on Twitter here.


You can read the Black Muslims Times UK here and follow Shode on Twitter here.

15. Samira, model

Instagram: @dollfacesxmira

You can check out her work here.

16. Reckless Rai from the podcast Mostly Lit

You can listen to Mostly Lit on Soundcloud here.


You can listen to Mostly Lit on Soundcloud here.

17. Zak Salad, actor

You can keep up with his work here.

18. Ni’mah Yahya, visual artist

You can check her work here.


You can check her work here.

19. Khadija Abdelhamid, mental health activist

You can keep up with her here.

20. Dualeh Oke, musician

You can listen to his music here.


You can listen to his music here.

21. Najwa Umran, producer and founder of @femalemuslimcreatives and @blklisteningparty.

Ikran Dahir

Ikran Dahir


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