Only ten days after the very last members of the Somali-born aviation officers, hitherto stationed in Nairobi, Kenya, arrive in Mogadishu, following a successful takeover of Somali airspace management by Somalia from the Flight Information Services for Somalia (FISS) office, run by ICAO since the collapse of the Somalia central government in the 90s, casualties to the changing setup begin falling.
The Somalia Minister for Transport and Civil Aviation, Mohamed Abdullahi Salat ‘Oomaar’, today, Monday, sacked the Director of the Somalia Civil Aviation and Meteorology Authority, Yussuf Abdi Abdulle ‘Yussuf Jaalle’ – a man who, as many believed, was not only the right arm of the Minister, but his guide through the long, arduous process of the takeover, too.
The Minister, in his letter to the SCAMA Director, did not directly accuse him of anything, but the introduction to the decision said it all.
The Minister’s letter pointed out that:
- There was a need for revitalization and acceleration of aviation- and meteorology-related responsibilities
- Due consideration was given to the critical juncture of time the repossession of Airspace management was going through;
- The minister needed to heed the expert counsel and advice of advisors, officers, and experts relating to the proper management of the Somali airspace;
- Minister was cognizant of how imperious it was to bring about the transparency, accountability and impeccable management standards the job on hand demanded.
Considering the issues raised by above points, upon which the Minister’s decision obviously rested, what was found lacking in Mr. Jaalle – true or not – were there to read between the lines.
The expulsion went into immediate effect once the Minister signed – July 9.
Mr. Jaalle played a very conspicuous role in the violation of Somalia-Somaliland talks in respect to the discussed co-management of airspace, convincing successive Somalia administrations – especially this last one under President Farmajo, that Somalia could do it without involving the Republic of Somaliland at all.
This development resulted, to mention but only one, in Somalia deciding all issues regarding management of common airspace on its own which included on where Somaliland nationals trained for the task would be stationed. A good number of the latter are presently ‘penned’ inside the heavily guarded but risky Mogadishu airport compound – a place where many call the ‘Open Maximum Security’ prison.
It remains to be seen whether President Bihi of the Republic of Somaliland will take a similar against Mr Jaalle’s counterpart in Somaliland, Ex-Pilot Captain Mohamed Rodol. Most Somalilanders have come to know him as a controversial figure and an inept, incompetent figurehead who is largely responsible for lying to the President on the progress of airspace control takeover by Mogadishu during the last critical months of the process.
READ: Last Batch of Somalia/Somaliland Aviation Personnel From Nairobi Arrive in Mogadishu in violation of all agreements