Somaliland: Ahmed Siilaanyo Pays Visit To Ailing Ex-Minister Sandulle


Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud “Siilaanyo’, the President who, only nine months ago, left the helm of the country’s leadership to incumbent Musa Bihi Abdi, has once more shown his legendary kindness and down-to-earth nature by paying a much-appreciated visit, Friday, to ex-Minister Ali Mohamoud Ahmed “Ali Sandulle’ who has been struck down by a heart stroke.

Ali Sandulle, a true Somalilander, who has braved so many difficulties to bring Sool region into Somaliland proper, served under presidents Dahir Rayale Kahin and Ahmed Siilaanyo first as Governor and then as minister at different portfolios.

In 2007, when Sool was still in the hands of Puntland, he was even physically attacked by the then Puntland Interior Minister, Ahmed Abdi Haabsade, slapping him on the face in public because of his loyalty to Somaliland.

The once popular and flamboyant Ali has been struck down by a medium-stroke which left him half paralyzed rendering the muscles on one side of his body lifeless and flaccid.

Ali only left the Kulmiye fold for UCID on the eve of the heated, often caustic presidential campaign which brought His Excellency Musa Bihi Abdi to power.

Mr. Ali’s condition was brought to the surface only yesterday by veteran TV personality and correspondent, Faisal Fifa.The Ex-president, who, himself, only came back from the UAE where he stayed for rest and medical check-ups since the handover a few weeks ago, watched the clip last evening.

“He could not wait the morning to pay Ali a visit,” his long-time friend, MP Ahmed Mohamed Derie ‘Nacnac’, accompanying him said.

What was most striking about the visit was a thrilled Ali haltingly but clearly speaking to his ex-boss.

“I am moving all four of my limbs this morning,” he said

Mr. Siilaanyo wished Mr. Sandulle a speedy recovery.

Ali is in need of urgent medical attention which, obviously, he cannot afford on his own.


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