Somalia: 14-year old school girl killed in Mogadishu


Continuing a spree of wanton killings of young and upcoming youth in Mogadishu, capital of the weak but western-supported capital of the Federal government of Somalia, a school pupil was killed, Sunday, coming back from classes.

Aisha Ali Saney, it was reported, by two men a motor-cycle near Hotel Gulaid of her district, Yaqshid. Although nobody could say what was being exchanged, the girl and the assailants exchanged words, and the would-be-killers even tried to pull the girl on to the motorcycle by force. They could not.

Instead, they shot her with a pistol hitting her several times at close range, according to her mother, Fartun Abukar Subbiye.

This latest killing comes less than a week after two young men, one of them, Madhin, an employee of one of the biggest telecom companies in Somalia and Somaliland, were killed in Mogadishu randomly and without any discernible justification. A week before that, another young girl, Amina Hussein, was killed in a classroom at one of the city’s universities.

All the shootings happen in broad daylight and in full view of passersby.

It is not clear why government measures to protect civilians is this ineffectual despite the hundreds of millions of US Dollars the international community is pumping into the limping country to, chiefly, attend to security issues more competently.

More often than not, Al Shabaab claims responsibility for these seemingly aimless, random killings to instill more fear on both government and civilian populations in a new tack of terror mostly targeting youth.




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