Somalia Expels SRSG Haysom, Somaliland Invites Him in


For weeks the UN of Secretary General Antonio Guterres has refused to answer Press questions about Somalia. Now Guterres’ representative, Nicholas Haysom, is being ordered to cease operations in, and presumably leave, Somalia.

Soon thereafter the Somaliland government issued a statement that “Somalia’s decision to expel UN Rep doesn’t concern Somaliland;” its Upper House has invited Haysom to relocate there.

Guterres was on a junket location undisclosed for more than ten days.

 Somalia’s foreign ministry is notifying United Nations Secretary General that Mr Nicholas Haysom is banned and cease all operations within the country. “This decision comes after Mr Haysom deliberately and intentionally interfered in state affairs.”  And, typically, from the UN of Guterres, nothing.

This remained the case even many hours later when Guterres robo-issued a statement about what Haysom had called an indirect attack on the UN compound: “The Secretary-General strongly condemns today’s attacks against the United Nations compound in Mogadishu. He wishes a speedy recovery to the injured colleagues.     The Secretary-General recalls that intentionally directing armed attacks against United Nations personnel may constitute a violation of international humanitarian law. He urges the Somali authorities to investigate the attacks and swiftly bring those responsible to justice.     The Secretary-General reaffirms that such acts will not diminish the strong resolve of the United Nations to continue supporting the people and Government of Somalia in their efforts to build peace and stability in the country.”

Guterres, whose spokespeople have declined 10 days of questions as to where the UNSG is.

Inner City Press


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