Kenya Bans Fishing Close To Somalia Border


Kenya has banned fishing activities off the Coast near the Somalia border over security concerns.Fishing

Lamu County Commissioner Joseph Kanyiri says all fishermen are prohibited from carrying out their activities in Ras Kamboni and any other areas past Kiunga Town, all of which lay close to the Kenya-Somalia border.

The county security boss said areas close to the border have had incidents of trafficking in contraband goods, drugs and people hence the need for citizens to keep off.
He added that there was tight security surveillance and that anyone found loitering in the no-go zones will be arrested.

Mr Kanyiri, however, stated that the ban on night fishing in most parts of Lamu East has been lifted and that fishermen are free to carry on their activities day and night but not close to the border.

By KALUME KAZUNGUAU Sexual harassment


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