Tunisian president ‘improving significantly’


Tunisian President Beji Caid Essebsi, who suffered a health crisis on Thursday, is reportedly improving “significantly”.

The 92 year old was taken to hospital on Thursday.

A spokesperson said Mr Essebsi’s health had improved significantly and he had called the defence minister to discuss the situation in the country.

Earlier on Thursday, two suicide bombs went off in the capital, Tunis, killing a police officer and wounding others.

Mr Essebi has played a prominent role in Tunisia’s path to democracy since Zine El-Abidine Ben Ali was overthrown as president in 2011 as part of the Arab Spring.

But BBC Arabic’s Ahmed Rouaba said that for his foes, Mr Essebsi belongs to the past and is a part of Tunisia’s repressive deep state.

He will not be standing for election in October, arguing that someone younger should take charge.


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