EU Provides €3 Million Emergency Aid to Horn of Africa Countries After Flooding


The European Commission on Wednesday provided an additional  €3 million in emergency aid as heavy flooding in the Horn of Africa region continues to put the lives of many vulnerable communities at risk.

According to a statement by the EU, the funding will come through humanitarian organizations in Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya, and South Sudan.

Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management, Christos Stylianides said that the EU stands in solidarity with the people of Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya, and South Sudan.

“These floods are a clear consequence of climate change and are now a further driver of displacement and suffering to already vulnerable people. Our emergency aid will help deliver essential supplies to save lives,” he said.

The EU funding will provide emergency shelter for displaced people, food, logistics support for access as well as water, hygiene and sanitation assistance aimed at preventing the outbreak of cholera and other water-borne diseases.

Sada Mire


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