Eiman Ali Farah, a Mayor the Federal Puntland State of Somalia appointed to Taleh of Haysimo region, moved over to Somaliland, Thursday, renouncing his loyalty to Puntland.
Eiman accused Puntland of failing to meet a wide range of social and infrastructural needs to promised to bolster its tenacious hold on an area it disputed with Somaliland for governance.
Eiman Farah, one of the best-known politicians from the historical district of Puntland, asked his supporters wherever they were to heed earlier calls of traditional leaders in the area who called for full cooperation with the rest of Somaliland.
“We have come back from Puntland empty-handed. I urge Teleh-born citizens to follow the traditional leaders’ advice as I did. Our lot is cast with the rest of Somaliland and it is there that we share geographical, historical and social ties,” he said, speaking at a point where he was received by the army commander in the area, Colonel Abdullahi Ibrahim.
Instead, he said, the Republic of Somaliland has implemented a number of programmes in the area which have helped decide the changed loyalties of residents.
Army and police personnel who were formerly paid for loyalty to Puntland under the ex-mayor, also, changed uniforms to conform with Somaliland standards and colours establishing a base of their own outside the town.
Taleh, formerly of Sool, is part of an area in the regions of Sanaag, Haysimo, Sool and Buuhoodle which the Somalia State has drawn into its map claiming kinship to the residents since the areas are historically and geographically within the colonial boundaries of the ex-British Protectorate of Somaliland – the present-day Republic of Somaliland which has restored its 1960 sovereignty in 1991 thus nullifying the ill-fated merger partially went into with Italian Somalia on 1 July 1960.

Taleh was the last bastion of Sayyed Muhammad Abdulla Hassan ‘The Mad Mullah’ before he was aerially bombed out by the British RAF Havillands in 1921. The Mullah fled to Ethiopia where he later in the same year died in Imey of, reportedly, malaria.