Somaliland: Coronavirus Takes Away Hassan Guure, Consultative Forum Chairman


Hassan Guure Jama, a well-respected, overly vocal statesman and the current leader of the informal but high-powered Somaliland Consultative Forum, passed away at 4:00 a.m., Saturday morning in Hargeisa.

He was diagnosed positive only 3 days earlier.

The deceased has been of one of the most active leaders of the Somali National Movement (SNM) which emancipated the country from widespread persecution, pillage and economic underdevelopment under the Somalia-born military dictator, General Mohamed Siyad Barred. Immediately after deposing him and chasing the remnants of his army from Somaliland, Hassan was one of the leaders who so vehemently advocated for a restoration of a sovereignty Somaliland lost to the ephemeral Greater Somali Republic dream of 1960.

Hassan became a Vice Minister in the late Egal government of the mid-90s. He later became the chairman of the Somaliland War Crimes Commission which he led for several years.

As a prominent member of Kulmiye party, founded by the former President of the Republic, Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud ‘Siilaanyo’, he played critical roles in shaping up Somaliland political track.

Hassan, falling out with his colleagues in Kulmiye, founded, together with a number of other prominent political figures, the consultative forum becoming its leader and most articulate spokesperson during President Siilaanyo’s time.

The Forum, following the incumbent President’s ascent to power, constitutionally challenged several moves linked to the President among which was the extension of term the bicameral parliament voted for itself.

President Musa Bihi Bihi condoled the nation and the family and friends of the departed statesman calling him an irretrievable national loss.

Although not officially named in any of the official coronavirus-related broadcasts, sources close to the government disclosed that, in fact, it was COVID-19 that killed him. Friends and relatives stated that his condition critical only last evening with him battling for oxygen. A state funeral to bid him adieu, in the afternoon, was organized in a  protocol in line with the burial of patients felled by the deadly world scourge.

He was only sick for the past 5 days.


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