Ksrelief Signs Deal To Implement Water And Environmental Sanitation Project In Somaliland


The King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center signed virtually on Tuesday an agreement with Norwegian Refugee Council to implement a water and environmental sanitation project in Somaliland, with a total value of $ 2 million, benefiting 42,450 people.

The project aims to carry out works to provide sources of drinking water and for other uses to beneficiaries, contributing to reducing the percentage of diseases resulting from the consumption of polluted water. It also seeks to implement activities to combat coronavirus and provide water for livestock on which the population depends in some areas. It will contribute to the stability of the population by limiting migration in order to find water sources.

The agreement was signed by the Assistant General Supervisor of the KSRelief for Operations and Programs, Eng. Ahmed bin Ali Al-Bayez, via a video call at the Center’s headquarters in Riyadh.

This agreement comes as an extension of the humanitarian efforts of Saudi Arabia represented by KSrelief to assist affected and needy peoples in various countries of the world.

Source: Saudi Gazette


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