East Africa To Head AU Next


The African Union Executive Council has unanimously agreed it is the turn of the Eastern Africa region to produce candidates for the position of Chairperson of the African Union Commission (AUC).

The decision was made on Friday during the 22nd Extraordinary Session of the Executive Council of the AU.

The decision is in accordance with the Statute of the AU Commission, the Rules of Procedure of the African Union policy organs and the decisions of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government.

“This is a major breakthrough for the Eastern Africa region to present candidates for the position of Chairperson of the AUC,” Prime Cabinet Secretary and Cabinet Secretary for Foreign and Diaspora Affairs Musalia Mudavadi said.

Mudavadi, who actively lobbied for the adoption of the decision during the session, said the decision aligns with what Kenya has been pushing for.

“It is now clear that Raila Odinga will be in the race for the AU Commission Chairperson,” he said.

“Effectively, there are no more technical or legal hurdles preventing Kenya from submitting its candidate.”

The AUC chairperson position is set to become vacant next year, with the incumbent, Chad’s Moussa Faki, concluding his two-term tenure. Elections will be held in February 2025.

The decision also provides that the Northern Africa region will front candidates for the Deputy Chairperson while the other three regions, Central, Southern and Western, will compete for the six positions of commissioners.

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